Unable to start execution of step 1 (reason: JobOwner domain\domainuser

On a server running SQL 2014 SSIS with SSISDB configured, one of the SQL Agent jobs configured to run using a proxy account kept failing with the error below.


Unable to start execution of step 1 (reason: JobOwner domain\domainuser

doesn‘t have permissions to use proxy 1 for subsystem SSIS). The step failed.

Solution that worked for me in my situation. 

Query your proxys and see if that proxy is disabled. If so, enable it.

SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysproxies

USE msdb ;


EXEC dbo.sp_update_proxy

@proxy_name = ‘MyProxyUSerUser’,

@enabled = 1;



Powershell – HyperV – Create/Resize Virtual Hard disks

Two very useful commands l use to create a Virtual machines VHDX virtual disk, and resize an existing VHDX virtual hard drive. These were used on a Windows 2012 R2 Server running Microsoft Hyper-v

Import-Module Hyper-V

New-VHD –Path C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\HyperV\MyServer\MyServer1_Drive_C.vhdx –Fixed 207GB

resize-vhd –Path C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\HyperV\MyServer\MyServer1_Drive_D.vhdx –sizebytes 507GB

Click here for much more Hyper-V powershell commands